Exemplary Life: Is it worth Living?

 By Atanda Anuoluwapo 

200 Level, Mass Communication

Atanda Anuoluwapo 

Photo Credit: Atanda Anuoluwapo 

I was given an assignment during the Christmas holidays. We were told to write an article on any individual whose name was dedicated to a building in honour of their tremendous contribution to the growth and development of the University I attend. 

While reading the biography of one of the individuals who had deeply caught my attention, which happened to be the visioner of the University, it got me thinking that a person could work so tirelessly in service, being committed to whatever he found his hands doing and made great impact in the lives of people that when he died, people could still remember him for the works he did. 

This led me into retrospection about my life. Can my life be an example for others to follow? I realized all those little things - those gestures, that expression of care- count! There's a common saying, "People are looking at you". This is the actual truth. It's not a cliché. 

Funnily, some people have been stationed like "monitoring spirits" to watch you every time. That's on a lighter mode though, but honestly, such people exist. 

If you want your life to standout as an example to others; how is your character and conduct? How do you behave? How do you react towards people's behavior towards you? Can anyone look at you and wish to be like you? 

These are the questions you need to ask yourself every day. Do not get it all wrong. I'm not saying you should live your life based on people's words. Live your life on your terms, however, have it in mind that you're watched by others around you. This goes down to what you post on social media . I c o u l d remember a time when I was speaking to someone, and he mentioned something about one of my articles and how he was arguing with the person that I said it, I've met people who compliment me and tell me, "Oh, I love what you post, I see what you did there, your articles are profound" and this makes me smile. 

As a young person, you're not too young to be emulated. If all you do is post your pictures, Tiktok videos and memes all the time, then what value are you dishing out to people viewing your posts? Live a life worth emulating. A life of service, of commitment, a life of giving, a character that could be imitated, setting a pattern that others can follow. 

Let's continue to be conscious about this as we live our lives - that the life we live is like a mirror that people use to view their lens. Don't think because you aren't a celebrity, no one pays attention to what you do. Erase that mindset. You never know where you will be soon.

In this new year, do away with all forms of behavior and character that isn't pleasing. Learn how to handle situations without letting it into a fight. Speak to people politely. Let people see you and nod happily. You don't have to be all that known for People to pick something they could apply in their day-to-day life. 

What footprints do you want to live behind? What do you want to be remembered for? 


Edited by: Atanda Anuoluwapo 

Associate Editor


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