Entrepreneurship Training Begins - New Equipment delivered, as Dr. Astor leads advocacy

 By Somade-Vincent Vince

Dr. Astor Abuh

In a g r o u n d b r e a k i n g initiative that kicked off successfully on January 19, D r . A s t o r A b u h , t h e C o o r d i n a t o r , M c U Entrepreneurship, is paving the w a y f o r a w a v e o f entrepreneurial trainings that focused on catering, tailoring, hairdressing and other hands-on vocations.

Armed with all necessary support from the Professor F r a n c i s I g b a s a n - l e d administration, Dr. Astor has stressed that the trainings are poised to empower students with practical skills in order to ignite a spirit of innovation and enterprise.

Cross-section of the Students during their classes 

Dr. Abuh, who can be seen as the driving force behind this ‘transformative initiative’, has curated a curriculum that w o u l d n o t o n l y i m p a r t 
knowledge but also hone practical skills essential for success in the entrepreneurial landscape.

The courses, designed to meet t h e d e m a n d s o f d i v e r s e industries, promise to cultivate a new generation of skilled professionals. One of the highlights is thetailoring course, where state-of-the-art equipment have been introduced to enhance the learning experience with new s e w i n g m a c h i n e s a t t h e fingertips of ‘aspiring’ tailors, setting a new standard in the field of fashion.

Students who have successfully submitted their registration form and enrolled in their courses were eligible to attend the classes. The courses are not just educational; they're a gateway to meaningful careers. The addition of hairdressing to
the curriculum has also drawn attention by students as this showed the Coordinator's commitment to inclusivity and meeting the diverse interests of the student body.

Clearly, the main goal of the entrepreneurship is to equip students with skills that go beyond the traditional academic setting. Entrepreneurship is about innovation, and by providing c u t t i n g - e d g e t o o l s a n d comprehensive courses. We are molding individuals who will shape the future of their chosen industries”, Dr. Astor stressed.

Edited By: Somade-Vincent Vince
Editor, The Communicator on Saturday 

Our roving reporters moved round all the training points yesterday. Attendance was large and almost intimidating at the various training points at the College of Humanities, Social & Management Sciences (COHSMAS), College of Natural & Applied Sciences (COLAS) and the College of Allied Health Sciences . Students should sustain the tempo! Entrepreneurship is the way to go in today’s uncertain world!


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