DRUG ABUSE: Mgt. Blows Hot!

By Ebenezer Zion

Prof. Igbasan: Waging war against drug abuse

McPherson University Management has read out fresh riot acts on drug abuse and all antisocial vices to all students at the University. Speaking during the special orientation on drug use and abuse at the Multipurpose Hall on Saturday, the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Francis Igbasan disclosed that the Management was determined to win the 'war' against drug abuse. 

He stressed further that drug abuse was one of the vices destroying the youths across many institutions of higher learning and added that such 'disturbing and uncivil acts' would not be tolerated in McPherson University. The Vice-Chancellor also warned that drug abuse would ultimately destroy the students and the society at large if nothing is done. 

His words: “Drug Use & Abuse have wrecked the lives of many 'stars' in different fields. It has landed many people in jail! We all should know that it will ultimately lead to the deterioration of mental health amongst other consequences”. 

“McPherson University is not a place for drug addicts, drug peddlers and drug traffickers. Any student caught irrespective of level will have a date with the Student Disciplinary Committee (SDC)”, the VC said.

Students present at the occasion were therefore urged to see the VC's address as a clarion call as violators would be rusticated without any possibility of appeal! 

Meanwhile, the guest speaker, Dr. Obatomi Alalade, a Consultant Psychiatrist at the Federal Neuro Psychiatric Hospital, Lagos, equally highlighted some of the dangers associated with drug abuse and warned that it would create chains of problems that could affect students’ psychological and physical conditions. 

The medical practitioner advised urged students to desist from all practices and habits that could affect their academic and future plans. The Ag. Dean, Student Affairs, Dr. Sunday Omeike appreciated the guest for honouring the University's invitation and for delivering a life-changing presentation!. He described him as a partner in t rans forming the lives of thousands of Nigerian youths. 

Edited by: Demilade Adeleye



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