
Students, please say No to Exam Misconducts

Y esterday, we revealed some of the very important rules and regulations that students must be aware of while writing the first semester examinations. In addition, all students must note the following information:  1. Bags, books, lecture files and all other student's properties are prohibited from examination halls. Don't bring them in! 2. Students offering mathematics and similar courses must bring their own mathematical or drawing instruments but WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO BRING IN PERSONAL MATHEMATICAL TABLES. 3. Students should write their Matriculation Numbers on all examinations Answer scripts and NOT THEIR NAMES. 4. Students must not mutilate or remove any paper or material supplied by the University. Except for the question papers and any other material (e.g. school fees receipt, ID Cards, etc.) they might have legally brought into the examination hall. 5. Students will be required to sign the attendance register at the beginning of the examination and when submitting the

A Special Message to our Darling Readers


Students may be rusticated from McU for violating any of these rules...

Picture: Google The Communicator exclusively stumbled on the well-guided secret ‘Bible’ regulating examination related offences in McPherson University, Ogun State. For most readers on Campus, this edition is a collector’s edition! Save it and send it to all students in your department. Do you know that:  1. Only students with valid clearance and University Identity Cards will be admitted into the examination hall.  2. Students are to acquaint themselves with and adhere strictly to the instructions governing examinations. So read all the instructions on the front cover page of the examination answer booklets.  3. Students are to conduct themselves in an orderly manner and obey all the instructions of the invigilators/examiners.  4. Students should not engage in or attempt any manner of examination malpractice(s).  5. Students are advised to adhere to the sitting arrangement  to avoid confusion. Students should not remove chairs that have been arranged in th

World Radio Day: Community Radio, & the tasks before NBC

G lobally, today, February 13, 2024, is World Radio Day and stakeholders at the Department of Mass Communication, College of Humanities, Social & Management Sciences (COHSMAS), McPherson University, Ogun State, like other dons in ‘sister’ institutions reflected on the impact of Radio as a mean of information dissemination in Nigeria in the last 81 years! The in-house faculty members were very much concerned about the need for government to increase the rate at which broadcast licenses are granted to educational institutions.   For instance, The Communicator is aware of the effort of the Departmental leadership and by extension, efforts of the University Management to facilitate the issuance of license of McU Radio for the purpose of Community broadcasting and training. The students of Mass Communication are seriously waiting to ‘speak’ loudly and professionally to the people in the community.  This is because Radio is an essential medium of communication, and its attending power of

Please note these ‘rules’ before you enter the exam hall today...

O ur dear distinguished reader, please take note of these indispensable rules before you enter the Examination Hall today. A. The examiners of the examination papers may be present in the examination hall for the first 30 minutes to address all matters that ‘may’ arise and may write and submit a situation report to the Chief Invigilator, when and where necessary. So don't panic!   B. Invigilators will inspect the halls and all students before they are seated for the examinations to ensure that no student has on him/her extraneous materials. So, stay focused!  C. The invigilators and supervisors may be more than two per paper without the students knowing. So don’t even look back!   D. The Chief Invigilator may increase the number of invigilators without announcing to the students' writing examinations. So, avoid trouble!  E. All invigilator s will be at the examination hall some minutes before the commencement of examination with all the examination question

We just want to wish you outstanding success in the 1st semester exams

  By our Correspondent The first semester examinations are finally around the corner, and we want to extend our best wishes to all our esteemed readers across all Departments and Colleges at McPherson University. Our prayer is that you have outstanding success in the examinations. Meanwhile, as you prepare, consider the following thoughts:  a. Say a brief prayer before you start each paper.  b. Ensure your handwriting is legible.  c. Resist the temptation to engage in conversation (if necessary, communicate with the supervisors or invigilators only).  d. Remove all extraneous materials from your pocket before entering the examination hall.  e. Leave your bags in the hostel.  f. Keep your phone in the hostel.  g. Allocate specific time to each question.  h. Begin by reading all instructions carefully. i. Do not pass your question paper to another student.  j. Be courteous and exit the hall only after signing the exit attendance.  k. Carry a spare [extra] pen and drawing

God is concerned about your academic success is what the Bible Says

By Our Correspondent, Beloved Picture : Google Most students are often afraid of examinations, but the fact is degrees and honour cannot be conferred without passing through examinations. The interesting aspect is that God is interested in the success of all McPherson University students the same way the parents are.  Here are some scriptural passages to meditate on as you begin to write First Semester Examinations. Some trust in chariots, some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. - Psalm 20:7  Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things - Colossians 3:2 But thanks be to God! He gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. - 1 Corinthians 15:57 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. - 2 Corinthians 4:18 For I know the plans I " have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and